18 years old is a lot for a cat. Most cats at this age will spend most of the day lounging around and relaxing. This cat enjoys his share of relaxation, but when he got his paws on a catnip-filled pickle toy, he went wild, unleashing his inner kitten.
Kitten with a pickle
This cat, Charlie, got this very special toy for his 18th birthday. It’s clear that he still has tons of energy inside him, because he loves to play with it. His owner said:
“He has a few medical issues due to age, but the pickle brings out the kitten in him. He also sleeps with it, which is adorable.”
Taking care of Charlie
Despite his medical issues, his owner has been taking good care of him. He was having a more difficult time before, but when his owner changed his diet and started giving him regular treatment for arthritis, he improved a lot. She said:
“He’s really a renewed cat now and I hope he gets many more healthy years.”
Charlie is a very floofy boy. His owner thinks he may be part Maine Coon, but she’s not sure. No matter what, one thing is certain: he is 100% floof!
Charlie was originally a rescue cat, and his owner obviously loves him and wants him to live his best and longest kitty life.
Wild hobbies
He is certainly loving his life! His owner said that his hobbies include snuggling and purring in her face, keeping watch over the lawn, aggressively begging for ham, and even doing parkour around the house when he’s having a particularly good day.
Ever since he got his new pickle toy, he has a few new hobbies too, including stomping on it, sleeping with his head on it like a pillow, and of course getting crazy with the catnip inside it.
When Charlie isn’t letting out his inner kitten, he also likes to take cat naps around the house. He especially likes to sleep on chairs, ottomans, and his fancy Moroccan cushion. He may be a little bit spoiled, but he definitely deserves it!

Charlie is certainly a handsome, floofy cat. He may be a senior kitty, but he still has so much spunk in him. We hope he continues to have fun with his pickle toy and his other hobbies, and that he has many more happy years filled with fun.