Rescue cat Hanny’s life started with a tragic event. The kitten was only a few hours old when another cat bit her in the back, damaging her lower body.
As a result, the cat’s back legs were paralyzed. Still, Hanny’s handicap has not prevented her from living life to the fullest.
And she can always count on the unwavering support of her owners. Sarah and her partner use ingenious solutions to help her remain mobile and comfortable.
” My partner and I got Hanny as a rescue and knew she’d need a lot of help and care, but still can’t believe how strong she is,” Sarah said.
Initially, they got Hanny a wheelchair so she could move around more freely, but the feline didn’t like it. Therefore, her owners simply repurposed some fabric into a sling so the cat could place her legs in.
Hanny quickly adjusted to her new equipment. She loved wearing it because it didn’t make her feel confined.
The homemade sling allows the kitten to move but also acts as a harness for her humans to keep an eye on her.
Sarah regularly brings Hanny along on outings, whether to a cave, a neighboring lake, a pet store, or a zoo. But the kitten’s favorite spot is the beach.
Sarah remarked,
 ” Hanny adores the beach, and she just loves to sit and wiggle in the sand. She always starts running towards the sea as soon as her feet touch the sand.”
The exceptional cat enjoys playing in the surf as it crashes on the shore, and she’s always on the lookout for new places to explore, including the rock pools and the tight caves.
Sarah notices how her kitten loves to drag her in unsteady terrain. Hanny enjoys playing in the muddy sand left by the tide going.
From disabled cat to beach kitty
Every beach outing ends with the cat having to take a good bath to remove the sand. Sarah doesn’t mind the chore as she thinks the seaside has revitalized Hanny’s spirit.
The woman revealed to Metro:
” Watching her tackle the different terrains and sand, you can see how determined she is and how much freedom the sling gives her.”
Furthermore, Hanny has gained some notoriety in her community. People recognize her on the beach, asking to take pictures and commenting on the Bengal cat’s cuteness.
Sometimes people are surprised to learn that she is a cat, not a dog, due to her high activity level and sociability.