A woman mourning the loss of her deceased cat Saffron decided the best way to honor her memory was to cover the adoption fees of all the senior cats at MEOW Cat Rescue in Washington state. Her wish was that they all find loving forever homes.
In a 2016 Facebook post by MEOW Cat rescue, they recognized this kindhearted woman’s generosity and big-hearted contribution to become a ‘Guardian Angel’ for every adult cat in the shelter.
Angels do exist
To clarify, a ‘Guardian Angel’ is someone who pre-pays the adoption fee for a cat. This means that there is no fee at the time of the adoption.
This gesture meant someone cared enough to want to see all unwanted cats find their forever homes. Although the adoption fees are paid, all candidates still get screened.
Turning pain to purpose
People wanting to adopt a cat might consider getting an adult or senior cat instead of a kitten. Potential adopters who were undecided about adopting might be more likely to go into the shelter to adopt versus buy a pet at the pet store.
Because of this grieving cat mom’s generosity, new pet parents could use the money they saved on adoption fees to buy extra toys and necessities to spoil their new four-legged family member.

In Saffron’s honor
MEOW Cat Rescue was delighted to have a ‘Guardian Angel’ make such a grand gesture in honor of her cat Saffron. Her final loving gift brought awareness to this organization and all the precious adult cats to help them find homes forever.
You can learn more about MEOW Cat Rescue by visiting their website.

Last thoughts
Grief looks different to everyone.
Losing a pet is one of the hardest things that animal lovers and pet parents will face in their lifetime, there is no right or wrong way to grieve, as no one grieves the same.
Some people choose to have a cremation or memorial service, while others take the opportunity to pay it forward. Making a silver lining out of her grief, this kindhearted woman turned her pain into purpose.
By paying it forward and paying the adoption fees for all the seniors in this shelter, she gave the gift of a second chance to many senior cats deserving a loving forever home.

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