Aries is one very special cat. He was born with malformed joints which cause his two back legs to hyper-extend and point inward towards his body. This gives him an almost spider-like appearance.
Thankfully, there is no pain associated with his condition, and he doesn’t let it get in the way of living life to the fullest thanks to his adopted mom Tracy Pitisci.
From foster to forever home
Aries was born in a shelter along with his siblings and was soon taken in by experienced foster mom Tracy Pitisci, but he didn’t remain a foster for long.
While all of his siblings got adopted out, Tracy and her family decided they couldn’t part with Aries, so they kept him with them.
And it seems like Aries wouldn’t have had it any other way, he gets rightly spoiled by Tracy and gets to go on lots of outdoor adventures under her care!
In fact, his favorite place to be is the beach.
Aries joined the 11 other foster cats that Tracy and her family have adopted, all rescues that they couldn’t let go of.
So Aries didn’t just get a family of great humans to look him, but a great cat family too.

Ambassador Aries
Aries has become a positive example of how cats born with disabilities can have full, joyful lives. Although it must be said that Aries is fortunate that his condition does not cause him pain, and does not come with any nasty health side effects.
He is able to live so freely because he was given the chance to adapt to his disability and it wasn’t assumed that his life would not be worth living because he was born different.
That’s why he is the perfect special needs cat ambassador, he proves to the world that being different doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you.

Tracy and her family should also be considered among the ambassadors of cats. The care and devotion they have shown not only towards Aries but to all their other rescues is inspiring.
They prove that special needs cats don’t have to be a burden, but a joy. All it takes to make a great owner is one that is dedicated to their feline’s happiness.