Bunny and Otter are two incredibly special kittens who will melt your heart

Bunny and Otter were found at only 3-4weeks old abandoned by their mother.

The two kittens were not doing well, they had upper respiratory infections, diarrhea, fleas, and several infections in their eyes and on their head between them.

They both also had missing front limbs, so they would need an experienced foster care if they were to survive.

Thankfully the person who rescued them realized that they need round the clock care and reached out to the Baby Kitten Rescue in Los Angeles, USA, to get them some expert help.

Two kittens with front leg malformations laying on top of pink blankets. One is white with some ginger markings and the other is a ginger tabby
This is Bunny and Otter a week after they were picked up by the Baby Kitten Rescue. Pic credit: @babykittenrescue/Instagram.

Born with it

The two kittens have congenital limb deformities.

Bunny was born with two shortened front legs.

She still has tiny toe beans on the front of both her front limbs but she doesn’t seem to have any claws on either one.

White and ginger kitten laying on her back. You can see that her front two limbs are short and have only one or two toes
She is so cute with her small little toe pads! Pic credit: @babykittenrescue/Instagram.

Her brother Otter has a deformed right leg with a partial paw while with his left leg is fully developed.

But he also had another issue that Bunny did not have.

Otter has hydrocephalus, a build up of fluid around his brain, and a meningocele on the top of his skull.

A meningocele is a “protrusion at the top of his head, which is filled with cerebrospinal fluid.”

There is essentially a hole at the top of Otters skull that leads directly to his brain which puts him at risk for bacterial meningitis and brain damage.

Ginger kitten with a deformed right front limb and a little hole on the top of his head sitting on some blankets
Otter gets on just fine despite his condition. Pic credit: @babykittenrescue/Instagram.

Good progress

Luckily for Bunny she doesn’t have any real special needs, other than some soft surroundings so she can throw herself around in comfort.

She gets around amazingly, both standing only on her back legs and crawling along with her front legs too sometimes.

Otter is also happy and healthy, he is not in pain and hasn’t shown any neurological symptoms like seizures that are common with hydrocephalus.

He even got fitted out with his own special helmet to protect his meningocele until he is old enough to get surgery to cover it.

Ginger kitten with a malformed front right limb wearing a helmet in a cat carrier in a car.
Otter doesn’t just need his helmet for car rides, it helps protect his brain all the time! Pic credit: @babykittenrescue/Instagram.

The two special kitten siblings are doing great and when it comes to adoption time, the rescue is adamant that they stay bonded forever.

They are making it mandatory for them to be adopted together.

But this still won’t be for a while, as Otter has to wait until he is older to get his surgery.

Until then, the two of them get to keep improving in their conditions and we get to watch it all on the Baby Kitten Rescue’s Instagram.

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