Bubba, the cat’s love of learning is so strong that he goes to school every day. The curious cat is so popular on campus at Leland High School in San Jose, California that he was issued an official student I.D.
Matthew Marienthal was picking up his own student I.D. at the high school when he noticed a familiar furry face in the lot of I.D.s that were laid out. He knew that Bubba had become a welcomed visitor on campus but was shocked to learn that his cat was actually given his own I.D.
As Bubba told his Facebook friends:
“It’s official. I am now part of the student body,”
Strike a pose
Apparently, the school I.D. photographer needed a test subject, and Bubba just happened to be in the right place at the right time. Seeing that Bubba is on campus just as much as any student, he figured he would make him an I.D. too.
Bubba had been sneaking onto the school campus since the Marienthals adopted him from a shelter. Their backyard backs up to the school’s campus, so he’s very well known by students and staff alike.
The family tried to keep him indoors, but Bubba has a free spirit that likes to roam. He simply refused to be an indoor cat. So, now he hangs out at school every day to socialize.

Bubba wakes up bright and early just to get to school to ensure he can greet the students and staff as they arrive.
You’ll often find him wandering in and out of classrooms since they all have doors that lead outside, which are kept open.
He’s even known to meander onto the school’s athletic fields. Bubba began his academic life by visiting Bret Harte Middle School when his owners attended that school. He moved on up to the nearby high school when they graduated.
Big cat on campus
Matthew’s mother, Amber Marienthal, told ABC News.
“We have never gotten a complaint,”“Now he’s a well-known figure and the kids pet him and take pictures with him but mostly leave him alone. I think the kids and the teachers really enjoy it.”
Since Bubba is a cat that likes to get around, he wears a collar that says “Leland OK” and “Bret Harte OK” so people know he is allowed to hang out at the schools. The family’s voicemail also has a message saying that Bubba isn’t lost, just a social butterfly.
While the Marienthals’ other cat and Golden Retriever like staying home, Bubba likes being the “neighborhood goodwill ambassador.” He even has his own Facebook page with more than 60,000 fans!