Two kitten brothers, Fettuccine and Alfredo, also known as the Noodle Boys, had a difficult foster journey, but they made it through everything together and are now in the forever home of their dreams.
A rough start
The two kittens were rushed to their foster mom, Jordan, in a state of emergency. When they arrived, they were in bad shape, especially Alfredo. He was limp, skinny, dehydrated, covered in fleas, and too weak to open his eyes or lift his head.
He was close to not making it, but under the diligent care of Jordan, he was able to pull through and even started to eat.
Once the immediate issues were taken care of, it became clear that Alfredo and his brother Fettuccine had some long-term issues as well. Alfredo had a problem with the ligaments in his leg that would have to heal on its own over time. Fettuccine had a deformity, a genetic one in his chest called pectus excavatum that would need physical therapy.
Despite Fettuccine’s deformity, he was still a happy and energetic kitten. Jordan said:
“While he has a deformity, it doesn’t seem to slow him down one bit! Fettuccine is full of energy and the life of the party!”

Alfredo also had cerebellar hypoplasia (CH), which is a condition that causes cats to wobble constantly. Just like his brother, once he got past the first few tough days, Alfredo was a happy kitten who faced his condition with energy and bravery. Jordan said:
“Alfredo is such a special boy with the sweetest personality! We look forward to watching him get stronger!”
Improving together
After just a few weeks, both Fettuccine and Alfredo were doing much better. They especially loved spending time together, playing, cuddling, and grooming each other.
Jordan took the kitten brothers outside of the foster room every day to give them practice getting around. Alfredo worked especially hard to improve at getting around furniture and going up and down the stairs. Jordan said:
“The stairs are a little tricky for him and he gives foster mom a heart attack every time he goes down them but when he goes slow and takes one step at a time he does really well.”
The Noodle Boys are adopted
Fettuccine and Alfredo only kept getting stronger and more playful, until one day they were ready to be adopted. Their deformities had improved, and Alfredo’s CH was mild and didn’t get in the way of him living his best life.
Soon enough, the Noodle Boys were adopted as a pair. Their new forever home was a kitten paradise, with a nice cat bed and plenty of treats ready for them. In addition to their new human family, they would also have a dog brother and cat cousin to keep them company.
After such a rough start, these brothers were able to grow together into confident, healthy kittens. They’re sure to have lots of fun together in their new home!