When Grover was just a foster kitten, he looked more like a bear cub than a cat. He was also bursting with personality and cuteness.
Jordan Jones, a foster volunteer for Juliet’s House Animal Rescue picked up Grover when he was about a week old. The landlord of a vacant home had found him in the backyard when they stopped by to do some work on the yard. There was no sign of the mama cat, and it was getting late and very cold, so Jordan quickly came to take him to her home.
Chubby little bear cub
Thankfully, Grover was already a very healthy kitten when Jordan started fostering him. He was a chubby boy, and he gained more than an ounce within the first day. He was a whole pound before he was even three weeks old. In a post on her Instagram, Jordan said:
“This little guy brings chonk to a whole new level!”
Grover became quite a chubby kitten, although the rest of him had a hard time catching up, especially his ears. Because he was so plump, and his ears were still so stubby, he looked like a little black bear cub. He even had big, bear-like claws!
In addition to his unique appearance, Grover came with a lot of personality. He often looked and acted grumpy, with his face resting naturally in a way that looked like he was frowning. In one video that Jordan posted on her Instagram, he was even covering his ears as if to say, “I’m not listening!”
Growing up
Grover was also always hungry and very energetic. Jordan took the cutest videos of him wiggling in a way that looked like he was dancing. But Jordan also said that when Grover got tired, he was very “good at chillaxin’.”
Grover made friends with several other kittens that Jordan was fostering at the same time as him. Although he was a few weeks younger than them, he caught up quickly and had a great time playing with them.
The grumpy little bear cub grew up so quickly after that. His ears caught up with the rest of his body, and he started looking more like a kitten. Soon, he was ready to be adopted.

Grover’s first adoption didn’t work out, so he got to stay in his foster home a little longer than planned. But eventually everything fell into place, and he was adopted in early June.
In his new home, Grover has a new cat brother and sister and a wonderful human family to keep him company. Jordan is so excited that her little bear cub is all grown up and living in a loving forever home.