Mel the cat had a rough life. She moved from home to home for years. She even lost an eye. But after all her struggles, she has finally been adopted into her forever home.
Mel’s story
In our previous article about Mel, we told the story of how she got to the Utah Valley Animal Rescue. She was there when she was a kitten, and she left when she got adopted. But her owners returned her to the shelter four years later.
Mel was adopted again, but these owners also returned her because there was a problem with one of her eyes, and they couldn’t afford to pay for the medical attention she needed.
Back at the Utah Valley Animal Rescue, Mel had to have her eye surgically removed. Now she had lost two homes and her eye, and she was sad and distressed.
The rescue shared her story on Facebook, asking for donations to pay for her surgery, and people rushed to her aid, quickly meeting the fundraiser goal.
Ready to be adopted
Ever since we last wrote about Mel, things have only gotten better for her.
On August 8th, the rescue posted an update, thanking the people who donated to Mel’s surgery. They included a more recent picture of Mel. In the photo, her eye was looking much better.

Mel’s surgery had gone well, and she was healing wonderfully. Now all that was left was for her to be adopted.
On August 13th, the Utah Valley Animal Rescue announced that she was officially available for adoption again. They took her to the local PetSmart that day to meet anyone who was interested in adopting her. Hopefully she would meet someone who would love and cherish her for the rest of her life.
Home at last
Mel’s dream came true. A person who met her that day decided to adopt her. The rescue didn’t post an announcement about Mel’s adoption, but her new owner, Erin, responded to comments on the August 13th post, explaining her story to other curious commenters.
On August 27th, she commented, “I fell in love with her, so I adopted her.”
Another commenter said that they hoped Mel got adopted, and that it would “stick” this time. Erin replied, “If I get cleared for the adoption I’m keeping her!”
Later, someone else asked Erin how Mel was doing in her new home. She replied on September 4th:
“She’s slowly becoming more confident around our other pets and she’s really comfortable around us now.”

Such a happy ending for sweet Mel! Her new owner is determined to keep her this time. After such a rough journey over the past several years, Mel is finally home and ready to be loved.