It’s lonely enough being a shelter cat without a forever home, but this sweet senior kitty had it harder than other cats, because no one wanted to pet him.
But when the Hands of Mercy Cat Sanctuary took in the cat, naming him Old Man Heff, he finally received the love and head scratches that he needed. He even found his new family.
Someone needs to pet this cat!
Old Man Heff was already a senior cat when the Sanctuary took him in. He was most likely abandoned by his family, and he was sick and bald from a serious skin condition.
He had been brought to a different rescue before he was transferred to the Sanctuary. At this other rescue, volunteers were too reluctant to pet him because his skin was in such bad condition.
But Old Man Heff was a very affectionate cat, and he wanted someone to pet him. After all he had been through, he probably needed it, too.

Someone to love him
He finally got the love that he deserved when he was taken to the Hands of Mercy Cat Sanctuary. The founder, Brenda Wilkinson, realized what he wanted. She said:
“He just wanted everyone to love on him. So I brought him home and started lovin’ on him.”
Because his skin condition was still serious, she decided to pet him using a baby wipe. She rubbed him all over his head and ears, and he loved every minute of it.
When Brenda stopped petting him, he even tried to bite her to tell her to keep going, although he didn’t have any teeth.
Old Man Heff’s skin condition wasn’t his only medical problem. He also had diabetes, as well as some scars on his body. He was an old cat that had been through so much. Brenda said:
“He looked like he’d seen all of the world wars.”
But this cat was a survivor, and with a little extra love and care, including insulin shots and skin treatment, his health was stabilized and his skin recovered.
Old Man Heff’s new family
It would be challenging, but Brenda planned to find him a forever home, surely someone would take such an affectionate cat!
However, after spending more time with Old Man Heff, Brenda realized that he had already found his family: Brenda herself. She would be the one who would take of him for the rest of his life.
Brenda described how after being adopted Old Man Heff still loves getting petted:
“He leans into me when I pet him. He’s just the most affectionate guy.”
Now that Old Man Heff’s skin has healed, he can be touched without a problem, and now that he has someone to love him, he can get all the attention and head scratches he wants.