Snickers was found at only five weeks old by her owner Kelly while she was out on a run by a corn field in June of 2020.
Kelly had lost her mother shortly before, and had taken up running to try help her cope with her grief.
One day, that running led her to Snickers.
“I think that was only my second time out for a run, and this little tiny kitten wandered right out in front of me.”
Kelly, Metro, 2022.
Kelly noticed straight away that the tiny kitten was sick, she couldn’t open her eyes as they were full of ‘goop’, she couldn’t meow, and she was covered in fleas.
So Kelly picked her up and took her to her home two miles away and cared for her the best she could until she got her to the vet the next morning.
Investing in a cat
Snickers had to have numerous tests and was prescribed several medications for her problems at the vets, all which would eventually cost Kelly approximately $7,000.
“It took a huge chunk of my savings, but you do what you have to do for another living thing, and it’s just money.”
Kelly, Metro, 2022.
After trying different medications for her eyes and none of them working, Snickers was referred to a specialist who discovered that she had large polyps behind her eyes.
This required two surgeries to remove them.
And according to Kelly, it was suggested Snickers be put down due to the cost of the surgeries to make her better.
But she refused, she saw how sweet and loving Snickers was and knew she had to give her every chance she could.
Kelly had gotten some money from her mother’s life insurance, and she “felt like it was my mum leaving me money to help her.”
The two surgeries went off without a hitch, and Snickers made a swift recovery.
The sweetest smile
When Kelly started posting pictures of Snickers online, everyone assumed her name came from her resemblance to the chocolate bar.
But it turns out that when Kelly first found Snickers as a kitten, a wrapper from the bar was on the ground next to her.
The money Kelly spent on Snickers to make her better was absolutely worth it for her.
Snickers is a beautiful tortoiseshell cat whose markings make it look like she has a constant smile.

And Kelly credits that smile in helping her come out of the depression of losing her mother.
“It was definitely fate that we both wandered into each other’s lives – it could’ve been anybody out that morning. It was meant to be, and I think we both saved each other that day.”
Kelly, Metro, 2022.