This friendly cat entertains delivery drivers on its doorstep at home.

The typical workday can be long and stressful; however, encountering a ray of sunshine can completely lift your mood and motivate you to keep going. For one family, their beautiful cat entertains everyone who ventures to their doorstep.

In a viral YouTube video posted in 2021, a couple with a white cat named Tuna began to notice that their snow-colored feline returned to the house looking very dirty. They believed the cat ventured off into the neighborhood to wander and play.

They decided to purchase a GPS to keep track of Tuna’s comings and goings. To their surprise, the locator informed them that the feline’s whereabouts had never changed. 

Her GPS let the couple know Tuna remained at home on their property. The mystery still remained. 

Where did Tuna go during the day? What was she doing all day?

A surprise love affair.

Then one day, when Tuna’s mom when to the front door to greet an Amazon delivery driver delivering packages, she witnessed a “love explosion ” at her front door. To her delight, mom witnessed her cat befriending and entertaining the Amazon delivery driver.

Her white ball of fluff captivated the driver’s attention by rubbing against his leg, walking in circles, and rolling over. Tuna yearned for his affection, and he happily obliged.

 And he was not the only one to receive such treatment.

Tuna greets all the delivery drivers. She has even adopted more performance moves, including the “tail helicopter” and plopping herself against the patio wall.

With each delivery made to the house, every essential worker received their personal, friendly greeting from Tuna. She loved to put on a show for everyone that came to her doorstep.

Mystery solved.

Tuna, the friendly feline, helped bring a ray of sunshine to these drivers’ days. This special cat helped demonstrate how putting yourself out there can benefit others.

Below are a few comments from the viral video left by actual delivery workers sharing how interacting with pets on their route impacts their day. 

delivery driver on porch petting a white cat
Tuna greets a food delivery driver and brightens his day. Pic Credit: @TheDodoSite/YouTube

“As a delivery driver for 15 yrs, seeing people’s pets that are friendly is a few minutes of bliss from stress…very uplifting… is priceless.”


“As an Uber Eats driver, I LOOOOVE when cats greet me. It’s a MAJOR distresser, and I leave feeling rejuvenated for my next delivery. It’s pretty amazing.”

-Liv Mendoza

“As a mail carrier for 37 years, the highlight of my day was cats, dogs, cows & horses. It’s such a welcome break from the monotony of your day. Cheers to all the animals that make all of our lives better.”

-Too Too
amazon truck delivery driver petting cat on front porch
Tuna is smitten with the Amazon delivery driver. Pic Credit: @TheDodoSite/YouTube

Final thoughts

Working long hours and making deliveries is no easy feat; however, encountering a friendly pet on your route helps take some of the stress out of the day. Encounters with pets help to lift your spirits.

Never underestimate the power of a simple “meow” or “purr” to help bring joy into another person’s life. It’s the little moments in life that can make the biggest difference.

This story demonstrates the unique and special connection involved in the human-animal bond.

What did you think of this inspirational story? Have you encountered pets at your place of work? 

How did it make you feel while on the job? Leave a comment and share your experience. 

Remember to share this story with a friend to brighten their day. 

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