This kitten was in poor shape when she arrived at the shelter. She was about to be euthanized, but people saw the potential in this kitten and decided to put in the hard work to save her. The kitten survived through her surgery and is doing much better now, like a phoenix rising from the ashes.
The kitten was a stray who was brought to the shelter along with her brother. Both kittens would need medical attention if they were going to survive, but the female kitten was in much worse shape, with an enormous hernia on her stomach.
It was so serious that they were planning to euthanize her, but then a rescue and fostering organization stepped forward to save the kitten. They put her in the care of kitten fosterer Stephanie and found a vet to perform the life-saving surgery to remove the hernia.
They named the kitten Phoenix. Hopefully, like the phoenix of legend, she would overcome her difficulties and rise like a phoenix from the ashes as a happy and healthy kitten.
Thanks to the donations of many kind people, they were able to pay for the surgery. It went well, and Phoenix was soon in her foster home, where she would recover.
Recovery was difficult for Phoenix. She had many stitches, and she kept trying to lick them, so Stephanie had to figure out a onesie the kitten could wear to cover them up and protect them from her surroundings too.
Thankfully, someone helped out and made a tiny onesie for Phoenix. The kitten didn’t like wearing it, or any other protective clothing or cones, but she still had to.

During her recovery, Phoenix also had other health emergencies. She started drooling uncontrollably, twitching, panicking whenever anyone tried to touch her, and having seizures.
After multiple visits to the vet, she was put on some anti-seizure medication and started improving again.
Phoenix and Turtle
It was also difficult that her kitten brother, Turtle, wanted to play with her. He was twice her size and much more energetic and rough. He just wanted to spend time with his sister, but he would accidentally knock her over and make her distressed.
So Stephanie had to separate them, putting Phoenix in her own pen. However, the pen had mesh walls, so Turtle could still visit and play a little bit without being able to get too rough.
Now Phoenix is doing much better. She recently got all of her stitches removed, and she is able to move and play much more energetically.
Her sweet brother, Turtle, is also doing well, and he’s happy that his sister is feeling better. Soon they’ll be able to play together.
From the ashes
Phoenix truly rose from the ashes. People believed that she wouldn’t make it, that it would be better to put her down than to watch her suffer.
But Stephanie and her other rescue colleagues believed that they could make a difference, and that the kind people who donated for the surgery could make a difference. Now Phoenix is healthy, happy, and getting ready to find her perfect forever home.