It is an undeniable tragedy when someone’s animal companion passes away. This woman had to face the loss of her beloved cat, Oscar, and she honored his memory in a beautiful way.
Hug your cats a little tighter
Oscar’s owner described him as an “indoor kitty who always craved the outdoors.” He was an escape artist, and he tried to get outside at every chance he got. Despite her best efforts to keep him inside and keep him safe, he managed to escape one night.
She went after him, but it all happened so fast. In less than fifteen minutes he had been hit by a car just two houses down the block.
Oscar’s owner was devastated. He had been just two years old and so lively, but now he was gone. She missed him so much. Oscar also had a dog brother and a cat brother, and she knew they would miss him too. She shared Oscar’s story and encouraged everyone who saw it to “Hug your cats a little tighter tonight.”
Bird bath memorial
She truly loved Oscar and wanted to honor his memory in a special way. He was buried in the backyard, and she marked his spot with a beautiful bird bath, designed as a sculpture of a cat watching a bird as it drank from the water. She said:
“Bird watching was his favorite activity, so I made sure there will be plenty around.”

Oscar’s shenanigans
In addition to bird watching, Oscar had other hobbies that drove his owner crazy. He liked to climb, and he had always been getting on top of the strangest places, like the fireplace mantle and the top of open doors. He was also getting into things that he wasn’t supposed to and knocking things down all over the place.

His owner said that he was “the biggest pain in the butt,” but that he was still very sweet. She loved him very much, and she was so sad when he was gone. She said:
“I miss his shenanigans.”
In memory
It is so bittersweet to see the beautiful tribute that she gave to Oscar with the bird bath. Oscar is certainly in kitty heaven somewhere, and we hope that many birds come to play in his bird bath.
He will forever be remembered by his owner as her beloved cat. As it says on his memorial:
“In memory of a faithful friend and a companion.”