The travel vlogger called Mr. Bald, who posts on his channel bald and bankrupt, was traveling around Cuba with his girlfriend Alina in 2020.
It was there that they happened upon a malnourished street kitten.
They first thing they did was take him to the vet to get him checked over to get a clean bill of health for the little guy.
The couple named the sweet kitten Fidel and decided to take him on the rest of their two-week holiday.

After spending weeks caring for Fidel and carrying him wherever they went, the couple decided that they couldn’t leave him behind as their holiday ended.
So they hatched a plan.
To smuggle a kitten
As Mr. Bald fully admitted, the plan could have likely ended in disaster.
But the risk was worth it for Fidel.
The first thing was to get Fidel into the airport and onto the plane without anyone suspecting anything.
The best way to do this? They figured it was to put the kitten down Alina’s swimsuit top!
Alina was somewhat anxious about the plan, admitting that “it’s not everyday that I smuggle cats in my bra”.
As they were queuing to get their passport checks, Fidel picked this time to start moving around.
But thankfully she made it through passport control and security with no hiccups, and once they were out Alina moved Fidel to her handbag so they could both be more comfortable.
However, just because they made it past the first hurdle doesn’t mean it was over.
They had a 15-hour flight ahead of them.
The furry bandit
It turned out that Fidel was well suited for travel and everything went smoothly except for a small peeing incident in Alina’s bag.
But after an unexpected stop-off in Mexico, Mr. Bald had to think quickly and move Fidel from Alina’s handbag to down his jeans!
Amazingly, security checks and even going through an x-ray machine didn’t pick up the smuggled kitten.
And Fidel arrived in Europe to his new home.
Their international adventures have not stopped there.
As Fidel took so well to traveling with the couple, he has since accompanied them in their future holidays.
As his first international journey was so successful, there’s no reason to start leaving him behind now.